Video facilitator guide

Chris Montgomery (CC-BY)

OLS members who have participated as a project lead in a previous cohort or have joined as an expert can volunteer to take the video facilitator role in the ongoing cohort. These individuals would like to learn more about the OLS processes or take a vital role in leading/facilitating the cohort calls. They commit their time and leadership skills toward building a collaborative experience for the attendees of OLS cohort calls.

We are very excited to create this role in OLS for the returning members from the previous cohorts.

Our aim is to share our practices for training and planning so you can take them into your projects and community. This is also an opportunity for us to invite community members to take on some of the management roles.

💁 Responsibilities

These facilitators are responsible for the post-call tasks.

What you need to do:

  • Please ask the organising team for credentials to access, YouTube and Zoom. We also share this information via Keybase (if you want, you could create a Keybase account, if you don’t have one already).
  • You can publish the OLS video using your own account. Please create a YouTube account if you don’t have one and ask the Community Coordinator to give you editor access to the OLS YouTube account so you can publish the video.
  • Access OLS’ Shared Drive to get the slide template for the video thumbnail that you can edit with the cohort call details.
  • When the video is published, please share it with the cohort directly via Slack.

Time commitment: 120-150 minutes per call

Below we provide a summary checklist. For a detailed tutorial, please refer to the detailed tutorial.

  • 1. Download from Zoom cloud recordings
  • 2. Upload to (will need a few minutes to process)
  • 3. Upload to the OLS YouTube account
  • 4. Create a front page slide for the video - templates are available in Google Drive
  • 5. Make sure the YouTube video is added to the current cohort playlist
  • 6. Correct transcripts (make sure to use the uploaded video, not the original transcript, as the timings won’t match the video)
  • 7. Download the corrected transcript as a .srt file from Otter
  • 8. Upload it to the YouTube video
  • 9. Post a link to the recording in the OLS Slack!

After publishing the video, fill in the following information in the cohort planning sheet:

  • Add link of YouTube video (column N)
  • Also in column N, add the corresponding YouTube link at the exact time each individual talk starts. If you haven’t done this before, it is fairly easy. When you are on YouTube, click “share”, click the little box that says “start at” and the exact time you had chosen will show up, then click “copy” and paste such link in column N.

After you’ve completed these tasks, please fill out the honorarium form.

❓ How to get help

  • Do you have any technical questions about the tasks? Post them in the Slack channel ols-cohort-call-facilitators.
  • You are also welcome to contact Irene Ramos (cohort coordinator) via Slack or email.

✏️ Resources

A few references that can help us expand on these roles are: